Saturday, April 30, 2011

Green leaders spell out vision for next 50 years

Zurich, April 29th 2011 - A summit of environmental leaders and politicians has called for an urgent move towards a global green economy in order to achieve sustainable development over the next half century.

Low-carbon technology, green infrastructures, investment in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture were all listed as being essential in combating climate change, poverty and water shortages.

Speaking at the event today, convened by WWF to mark the global conservation organization's 50th anniversary, EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said that unless biodiversity is adequately protected the consequences would be "catastrophic".

"Biodiversity and ecosystem services must be protected, valued and adequately restored," said Commissioner Potočnik. "It's essential for human well-being and in our own self-interest. If we do not preserve ecosystems we will push biodiversity over the tipping point beyond which changes become irreversible and possibly even catastrophic. It is an irrefutable fact that global consumption and use of resources is the biggest factor in a sustainable future."

The specially-convened roundtable - "Public Sector Voices on Conservation in the next Half-Century" brought Mr Potočnik together with leaders from Asia and Europe to set out their vision of the state of the planet in 50 years' time. WWF International President Yolanda Kakabadse, chairing the debate in Zurich, told the audience "We are here to celebrate 50 years of WWF - but we want to look forward, not back. What is the next half century going to bring in terms of water, food and life on earth?"

Bhutan's Minister of Agriculture and Forests, Dr. Pema Gyamtsho pledged that within ten years, as part of its drive towards sustainability, Bhutan would be the world's first totally organic country. He said water security was the biggest challenge facing his country - but one which could only be solved through global action.

"What happens in the Himalayas and South Asia is going to impact all of us. Can we afford to wait until 2050 to limit temperature rises to two degrees celsius? Two degrees will be too much and 2050 will be too late." said Dr. Gyamtsho. "We need to act now - many areas are already suffering shortage of drinking water."

The Norwegian Minister of the Environment, Erik Solheim spoke of the urgent need to put real economic value on ecosystems and natural resources to help stop widespread deforestation.

"We must come to a situation where there is an economic benefit for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources," said Mr Solheim.

"The big success story is Brazil where deforestation has been reduced by 70% in seven years - by far the biggest factor in fighting climate change. NGOs must encourage governments to take risks and support those politicians who do do something."

There was a warning that any proposed global green investment fund to fight climate change should not attempt to replace or duplicate existing environmental and development finance.
"Today there are more than 230 overseas development funds which lead to fragmentation and more overheads," said Monique Barbut, CEO of the Global Environment Facility.
"We should not be trying to build again another poorly coordinated system which is not going to work. I do not believe we need a new institution or a new bureaucracy."

All panellists were unanimous in congratulating WWF for its record of conservation achievements for the past 50 years. Commissioner Potočnik said "Congratulations are due to WWF on the splendid results of the last fifty years and for playing an excellent role in the preservation of the environment."

Monique Barbut added "WWF has played a very important role in promoting policy and science."

Rounding off the debate, WWF International Director General Jim Leape urged NGOs to move beyond their traditional roles of lobbying and asking for money.

"We are uniquely placed to help in forging coalitions of the committed to address the biggest issues of our time," said Mr Leape. "By working in partnership with government we have already achieved some great results."

From WWF news

Friday, April 29, 2011

Want to protect the ocean? Start by stopping runoff and erosion

Did you know that 80% of pollution to the marine environment comes from land-based sources, such as runoff pollution?

Millions of motor vehicle engines make daily, one-drop-at-a-time "oil spills" onto roads and parking lots, which add significantly to runoff pollution.

Some water pollution actually starts as air pollution, which settles into waterways and oceans. Dirt can be a pollutant. Top soil or silt from fields or construction sites can run off into waterways, harming fish and wildlife habitats.

Non-point source pollution, commonly called runoff pollution, can make river and ocean water unsafe for humans and wildlife. In some areas, runoff pollution is so bad that it causes beaches to be closed after rainstorms.

Drinking water supplies can be contaminated by polluted runoff, as can coastal waters containing valuable fish stocks. Experts think there is a link between agricultural runoff and water-borne organisms that cause lesions and death in fish. Humans who come in contact with these polluted waters and affected fish can also experience harmful symptoms.

Correcting the harmful effects of runoff pollution is costly. Each year millions of dollars are spent to restore and protect areas damaged or endangered by non-point source pollutants.

A smarter way to act? Prevent runoff before it happens!

Elemetal Solutionsm using Midwest’s soil stabilization and soil erosion control products can eliminate up to 98% of erosion problems at the source, whereas mechanical methods may only be 50% effective. Our soil stabilization and soil erosion control products are specifically formulated for unpaved roadways, shoulders, paths, trails, slopes, construction sites and indoor and outdoor arenas.

Soil stabilization and erosion control are more effective than sediment control not only in reducing sediment pollution but also in reducing cost. When soil stabilization and erosion control are affected at the source, sediment never becomes entrained as it will with mechanical methods such as silt fences, hay bales, or retention ponds.

Contact us if you want to know more about ways to control runoff…

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“Clouds of Dust” are for Movies, Not Your Riding Arenas

It’s a fact of life – dust happens! If you’re lucky enough to have an riding arena, you should manage and control dust to protect the health of your livestock and your riders...

Riding arena dust control eliminates problems ranging from compromised equine and human health to reduced visibility to complaints about dust from nearby communities to deterioration of arena bases. Those relying exclusively on water for riding-arena maintenance know that supplies can be scarce and prohibitive and that ongoing watering requires considerable manpower. Further, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions are dangerous to both health and safety, and the absence of effective arena dust control can negatively affect business.

If you have any dust problem in your arena, don't hesitate to give us call and we'll find a solution that is:

  • Is proven and certified environmentally-safe
  • Helps equine workers, athletes and the magnificent animals they ride attain peak health and performance
  • Reduces dust, watering, manpower, and the need for repair and reconstruction of arena bases
  • Keeps you in compliance with the PM10 and PM2.5 requirements of the Clean Air Act
  • Will not contaminate ground water with volatile organic compounds, semi-volatiles or heavy metals
  • Will not increase BOD or COD levels.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Create Underwater Life

The post today will be about creating underwater life with design artificial reefs, Reef Balls

A Reef Ball is actually not a 'ball' but a hemispherical hollow concrete unit invented over 15 years ago in the US. Marine life can take advantage of the hollow interior via holes and the size and number of holes can easily be varied depending upon the reefs application.
Its design has evolved over many years of trials, fine tuning and input from engineers and scientists. The result is a unit that has been proven to function as well as or better than a natural reef, therefore no matter what your application, you can be confident it will achieve maximum possible success.
Reef Ball with natural growth on it.

Key features of Reef Balls include:

  • Aesthetically pleasing – in a very short period they take on a natural rock/bommie appearance;

  • Highly stable – they have been specifically engineered to stay upright and withstand waves and currents;

  • Durable in the marine environment – the marine concrete mix is engineered for several hundred years in seawater;

  • pH adjusted surface – a special concrete mix and construction technique is used to ensure rapid colonisation;

  • Maximum productivity – the dome shape, holes, internal void and rough texture mimic natural reefs and maximise species richness;
  • Carbon offsets - CO2e emissions from the manufacture of concrete and RBA staff air travel are offsite via My Clean Sky accredited carbon credits.

Freshwater and marine habitats can be enhanced by the addition of Reef Balls including existing artificial reefs such as ships, breakwaters and jetties.

Environmental offsets - research has shown that Reef Ball reefs can attract and support the same or greater diversity and abundance of species as nearby natural reefs. Therefore a carefully designed reef using Reef Balls is a viable option for offsetting environmental impacts.

Reef Balls can be used for a range of fishery applications including the establishment of productive reef in barren or degraded areas, or as a deterrent to trawling in order to protect specific areas. Reefs can also be designed to attract target species.

Do you want to help create marine life, to enhance your waterfront property? Contact us!