Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“Clouds of Dust” are for Movies, Not Your Riding Arenas

It’s a fact of life – dust happens! If you’re lucky enough to have an riding arena, you should manage and control dust to protect the health of your livestock and your riders...

Riding arena dust control eliminates problems ranging from compromised equine and human health to reduced visibility to complaints about dust from nearby communities to deterioration of arena bases. Those relying exclusively on water for riding-arena maintenance know that supplies can be scarce and prohibitive and that ongoing watering requires considerable manpower. Further, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions are dangerous to both health and safety, and the absence of effective arena dust control can negatively affect business.

If you have any dust problem in your arena, don't hesitate to give us call and we'll find a solution that is:

  • Is proven and certified environmentally-safe
  • Helps equine workers, athletes and the magnificent animals they ride attain peak health and performance
  • Reduces dust, watering, manpower, and the need for repair and reconstruction of arena bases
  • Keeps you in compliance with the PM10 and PM2.5 requirements of the Clean Air Act
  • Will not contaminate ground water with volatile organic compounds, semi-volatiles or heavy metals
  • Will not increase BOD or COD levels.

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